Tella Shahi Herbal Oil


  • Potentiates nerves and muscles
  • Reverse all the defects of body
  • Effective for all physical defects of body organs
  • Help to make muscles and nerves stronger Top of Form

3 bottles complete course


Tella Shahi Herbal massage oil

Sexual health is less spoken about due to fear of embarrassment

This is a unique personal lubricant which is made of various herbs to help improving males’ conditions.

It increases blood circulation to the part of the body.

More blood supply to the means a larger and stronger muscle strength.

From the old age the Treatment with herbal medicines was popular.

To circulate blood to the nerve and strength the muscles the

massage therapy was popular and effective.

Still we use to reduce the pain the best thing is to massage and

for eye problems we put medicines to eye and in ear problem we put medicine in to ear

for weakness of (penis) organ in men’s message with

Tella Shaiis best things. It is a best aid to stimulate male genital organs.

ENHANCES Sex Drive & Libido

INCREASED Penis Length & Girth

ACHIEVE Bigger & Harder Erections

LONGER Sexual Staying Power

IMPROVES the Sensitivity of Orgasm

TellaShahihas been extracted from the powerful Natural herbs which influence inner strength and keeps you

charge in fraction of seconds.

This oil is a wonderful invention which is formed for all those who are facing problems like

physical weakness and problems with the size of their penis

· Potentiates nerves and muscles

· Reverse all the defects of body

· Effective for all physical defects of (penis) body organs

· Help to make muscles and nerves stronger


HirdoExtract(Leech) -Di Long (Earthworm) – RoghanBaizaMurgh, FructusTribulis- Extract Ji Li-BhairBhooti,

-Attar Henna ,-Sanda Oil (UromastyxHardwickii),Safran Jifal-Jalvatri Oil -Clove Oil-

In The Base Of Sesame Oil (Oleum Succini)

Sanda oil is a traditional use oil that’s topically used as a herbal remedy for men. It’s touted as a natural aid for

erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation(PE). Which is over sensitive of muscles of penis.

whether it can help men with ED and PE talashahiis a blend of herbal oil that are popular in natural healing.Sexualhealth is less spoken about due to fear of embarrassment. Men with small sized genitals or weak erections are generally under confident because they feel they cannot satisfy their partner sexually. However, various methods claim to naturally improve erection and penis size; one of them is talashahi

Sandaoil, intalashahi also is a herbal formulation prepared with essential secret aphrodisiac herbs suitable for treating male reproductive organs related to strength, size, and performance.

Leech oil

The science behind the effectiveness of leech oil for penis health

why does leech oil work for penis health? It turns out that leech oil contains bioactive compounds that have been shown to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. Specifically, leeches release hirudin, an anticoagulant that prevents blood clots and improves blood flow. Another active ingredient in leech oil, calin, has been shown to improve circulation,

while its antibacterial properties may also help prevent infection. The combination of these compounds creates

a powerful effect that promotes penis health and vigor.

Furthermore, leech oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including sexual dysfunction. In fact, it is believed that the ancient Greeks and Romans used leeches to enhance sexual performance.

This historical use of leech oil for sexual health suggests that it has been effective for generations.

Behar Booti

Beer Bahuti inTalaShahi is a male private part massage oil used by hundreds of thousands of men around the world. It is a powerful combination of potential herbs and natural oils that are known for their natural properties to strengthen the muscles of the penis.

Behar bootiin TalaShahihelps to enhance the erection, size, and girth of the male organ naturally.

Muscular tonic for male genital organ

SafaranRelaxation and Stress Relief: The aromatic scent of saffron creates a calming and soothing environment, aiding in stress relief and relaxation. The gentle massage with TalaShahihelps release more blood toward the muscles of penis

RoghanBaizaMurghOil Contains Several Skin-Healthy Vitamins for Healthy Glowing Skin. Helps to Moisturize the Skin and Prevent Excessive Drying. Rich Source Of Fatty Acids,Minerals And Vitamins, Help To Regenerate muscles of penis.

How It Work

Health of The Tissue of Penis Named Corpora Cavernosa

Telashahiincrease blood flow into the corpora cavernosa, allowing more blood flow to the penis and.

TISSUE OF PENIS HOLD THE BLOOD to produce more intense and longer-lasting erection.

The best part?There are no unwanted side effects.

Directions massage

Tellashahioil on whole shaft of theorgan, one to two time a day,no sideeffect is reported, some peoples may experience irritation,

but this is normal this cannot be used as lubricant. Best Herbs to provide without side effect,

Full course. One Bottle is good for one month; Recommend three moth treatment

(Essential oils are not specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this purpose}Tella Shahi Herbal Oil is a unique personal lubricant which is made of various herbs to help improving males’ conditions. It increases blood circulation to the part of the body. More blood supply to the means a larger and stronger muscle strength.

From the  old  age  the  Treatment  with herbal medicines  was popular .To circulate blood to  the  nerve  and  strength  the muscles the massage therapy was popular and  effective .In this modern age the massage is still effective as the old age.

Still we  use to reduce the pain   the  best thing is to massage  and for eye problems put medicines  to eye  and  in ear problems   put  medicine  in to ear For weakness of organ  in  men’s message  with tella   is best things .

It is a best aid to stimulate male genital organs. Tella Shahi has been extracted from the powerful Natural herbs which influence inner strength and keeps you charge in fraction of seconds.

This oil is a wonderful invention which is formed for all those who are facing problems like physical weakness and problems with the size of their Muscles.

Bottom of Form


Hirdo extract Leech Di long Earthworm, Roghan Baiza Murgh, Fructus Tribulis Extract Bai Ji Li Bhair bhooti,Henna extract attar henna ,Sanda Oil (Uromastyx Hardwickii),safran  jifal  jalvatri oil Clove oil in the base of  sesame Oiver oil(Oleum Succini) and Til Taila.

Directions  massage Tella shahi oil  on whole shaft of theorgan, one to two time a day , no  side effect  are reported, some peoples  may  experience  irritation, but this is normal  this  cannot be used as lubricant. Best Herbs to provide without side effect,

Recommend 3 bottles for a treatment Full course. One Bottle is good for one month; it is recommended massaging tella shahi for 3 months complete course.Tella Shahi give results in solve all kind of problems .


زما نہ قدیم سے ہی جڑ ی بو ٹیو ں  کے طر یقہ علا ج میں د و را ن خو ن کو جاری کر نے مسا ج یا ما لش کی جا تی تھی اور اب دور جد ید میں بھی یہ علا ج اتنا ہی موثر ہے جتنا کہ زما نہ قدیم سے رہا ہے اب بھی درد کو کم کر نیکے لیے مسا ج کیا جا تا ہےآ نکھ کی تکا لیف میں    آنکھ میں دوا ڈا لی جا تی ہے کا ن کی تکا لیف میں کا ن میں دوا استعمال کی جا تی ہے اسی طر ح مر دو ں میں عضو کی کمزری میں اس کی مسا ج کی جاتی ہے دوا کو موثر اور مفید بنا نے میں اصل کا م دوا کے اجزا کا وہ با ریک تو ا زن ہے جو اس دوا کے مجمو عہ کو ایک دوا بنا تا ہے ہم نےطلاشاھی میں اجزاء کو طبی او ر جد ید تحقیق کی رو شنی میں توا زن کے تحت کینڈا میں پہلی با ر تیا ر کر وا یا ہے۔ جو کہ مسا ما ت کے ذر یعے جذب ہو نے میں لا جو ا ب ہے طلا کی ما لش کر نے سے دو را ن خو ن تیز اور روا ں ہو کر خو ن کی رگو ں کو کھو لنے اور ان کو تا ز گی بخش کر اور طا قت وربنا نے میں بہت فا ہد ہ مند ہے اس طرح ہم نے ہر مر یض کے مر ض کے مطا بق طلا بنا ئی ہےاور طلا کے سا تھ سا تھ کھا نے کی دوا استمعال کر نے سے آ پ اپنے آ پ کو نو جوا ن اور طا قت ور محسو س کر یں گے کیو ں کہ ہر مر یض کا اپنا اپنا مز ا ج ہو تا ہے۔

طلاشاھی  کے 1 ماہ استعمال سے عضو تناسل کی کمزور اور خراب شریانوں میں دوبارہ نٰی زندگی کی لہر ڈور جاتی ہے اور عضو کی رکی ہوہی نشوونما دوبارہ شروع ہو جاتی ہے اس تیل کے مساج سے پتلا پن ، چھوٹا پن ، ٹیٹرھا پن ختم ہو جاتا ہے اور عضو تناسل کی جڑ مضبوط ہو جاتی ہے  طریقہ استعمال:پانچ قطرے رات سوتے وقت عضوخاص کا اگلا حصہ یعنی کہ کیپ اور نیچے والاحصہ کیونکہ پیشاب والی نالی ہوتی ہےچھوڑ کر ہلکی ہلکی مالش کریں 30 سیکنڈ تک پھرسوجائیں صبح کو اُٹھہ کر تازہ پانی سے عضوخاص کو دھولیں اسی طرح روزانہ یاں ایک دن کا وقفہ دے کراستعمال کریں طلاشاھی کے استعمال سےعضوخاص پر کسی قسم کے
دانے یاں انفیکشن نہیں ہوگی نہ ہی جلن پیدا کرے گا بلا خوف و خطر استعمال کریں
فوائد:مشت زنی کی وجہ سے پیدا شدہ لاغری اوراگلے حصہ سے یاں درمیان سے پتلا پن اور
ٹیڑھاپن ختم کرکے عضو خاص میں بے انتہا سختی اور بے پناہ قوت و شہوت پیدا کرتا ہے

پچپن کی غلط کاریوں کا مکمل ازالہ کرتا

tala shahi
tala shahi

Additional information


Hirdo extract Leech Di long Earthworm, Roghan Baiza Murgh, Fructus Tribulis Extract Bai Ji Li Bhair bhooti,Henna extract attar henna ,Sanda Oil (Uromastyx Hardwickii),safran jifal jalvatri oil Clove oil in the base of sesame Oiver oil(Oleum Succini) and Til Taila


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