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Hijama Frequently Asked Questions

Hijama Frequently Asked Questions

Hijama Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of Hijama (wet cupping)?

Hijama (wet cupping) is Arabic word which means bloodletting.

In T.C.M (traditional Chinese medicine), Hijama comes under traditional system

Or cupping therapy.

Hijama (wet cupping), blood drawn from the body by applying cups on skin.

What is the method of doing Hijama (wet cupping)?

First, we diagnose the patients from pulse and tongue, according to T.C.M. theory (traditional Chinese medicine), then we come to know which organs are not functioning well and Hijama is on that organ point to make the patient healthier.

We select appropriate organ point for Hijama (wet cupping).  Our method of doing Hijama (wet cupping) is applying disposable cups on the skin by creating vacuum suction in cups.

Cups left on the skin for five to ten minutes and then removed.   Small incision is made on the skin using a special tool. Once that is done, apply the cups again on the skin to collect the blood.

What is the difference between qualified   practitioner and a Hijama therapist?

Half a doctor causes dangerous to your life and half a scholar, dangerous to you religion. Qualified practitioners contemplating having it done will have a better understanding of human body and system when, how, and which point Hijama should be performed.

Hijama therapists have not good knowledge of the human anatomy and pathology and internal function of all organ of body.

How can get Hijama (wet cupping) done?

Hijama (wet cupping) is practiced all over the world. It has been practiced in Japan, Korea, China, and Arabia World.   Especially practiced Muslims, performed by Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam).

What is Hijama (wet cupping)?

Hijama (wet cupping) is the best remedy recommended and used by the messenger

(sallallaahu álayhi wasallam). The messenger (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) said,

“Indeed the best of remedies you have is Hijama (wet cupping)…”

[Saheeh al-Bukhaari (5371)].

He (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) also said that on the night of Israa (his ascension to the heavens), Rasulallah (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) did not pass by an angel except that it said to him, “Oh Muhammad, order your ummah (nation) to perform Hijama (wet cupping).”

[Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhi (3479)]. This shows the importance and greatness of this Sunnah.

Is Hijama (wet cupping) a cure for every disease?

Hijama (wet cupping) is a cure for every disease if performed in its correct time. With modern diagnosis, especially with China’s   research, the messenger (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) said, “Indeed with Hijama (wet cupping) there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim (5706)].

 When can we perform hijama(wet cupping)?

The messenger (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) said, “Whoever performs Hijama (wet cupping) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic month), it is a cure for every disease.”   [Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud (3861)].


Is Hijama (wet cupping) from the Sunnah?

Above are just some of the authentic narrations which show that hijama (wet cupping) is from the sunnah of the Messenger (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam).

The Messenger (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) said, “Whoever revives a Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practice it, he will have the same reward of those who practice it without their reward diminishing…” [Sunan ibn Maajah (209)].

Is Hijama (wet cupping) the best of remedies?

Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (sallallaahu álayhi wasallam) said, “Indeed the best of remedies you have is Hijama (wet cupping)…”  [Saheeh al-Bukhaari (5371)].

Is a Hijama clinic a safe place to do Hijama (wet cupping)?

Yes, we practice in a clean and hygienic environment under the guidance of qualified health professionals and are registered with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist of Ontario.

Are there any risks of contamination?

All materials used on each patient are of single usage and disposed of after each treatment, eliminating any risks of cross contamination. The small pin pricks created to release stagnant blood are so small that they do not release blood after the cups have been removed and are almost always dry by the end of each treatment.


How Hijama(Wet Cupping) Help?

Common Uses For Hijama Therapy Include:

• Shoulder Pains
• Lower Back Pain
• Knee Pain And Stiffness
• Various Forms Of Arthritis
• Adhesive Capsulitis (Or Frozen Shoulder)
• Post Surgical Swellings And Pain (Particularly After Fractures & Reconstruction Surgeries)
• Acute Ankle Sprains And Deep Foot Pain
• General Body Tension
• Hormonal Problems / Lethargy
• Menstrual Pain / Infertility
• Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome Pcos
• Lymph edema • Muscular Injuries
• Post Trauma Migraines (Specifically After Cranial Injury/Surgeries)


Q-Who can practice Hijama(wet cupping) ?

The person who is registered with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine  Practitioners and Acupuncturist of Ontario can perform Hijama(wet cupping) .

Under the section 8, paragraph:  11,  in health Canada law (rule ), the person who is not registered with health Canada can be fined up to twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000 ).

New law enforced in Canada .

No one can perform Hijama(wet cupping) without a license. This means one must be registered with a Health Regulatory Association.

1. Medical practitioners:

Medical practitioners feel that the only people who should be able to do Hijama(wet cupping) treatment should be medical practitioners or someone who has some kind of medical background. Even though modern medicine is very advance for doing testing, scans and surgeries, it is not equipped to deal with spiritual and metaphysical issues that can cause a patient’s health and life to deteriorate.

2. Imams and sheikhs:

Even though imams perform Hijama(wet cupping), with the new law they cannot perform it. Hijama(wet cupping) because they have no medical knowledge.

What is the solution? So who should perform Hijama (wet cupping)?

We believe that the best person to perform Hijama(wet cupping) is someone:

1) One who has knowledge of physiology and anatomy.

2) One who is always conscious of hygiene, for the health and safety of his/her patient and him/herself.

Q-How long does it take to do Hijama(wet cupping)?

It takes up to 30-60 minutes.

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